Friday, March 16, 2012

Aussie Love Affair

As the weekend approaches, and a huge storm arriving tomorrow in Southern California, I thought I would venture to a place that brings me fabulous memories. My husband had the good fortune of moving to Australia as a teenager, to Whale Beach, a coastal town outside Sydney. As he only spent 3 years there, the impact Australia had on his life was immense.The love affair he and his family have had with Australia will never end..... I didn't really understand what all the hullabaloo was about
until I got to visit there a few years ago. As soon as I stepped off the plane and the people greeted
me, I knew something was different about this place. The people were so friendly and seemed carefree and had a casual elegance about themselves. The style and culture of Australia is lovely.
I now have the same love affair.

 I dream of going back there some day to visit again(it is a very expensive trip!).Looking at houses in the area where we stayed, (Palm beach and Whale Beach) and are for sale right now, might be the next best
thing. They are certainly Beach Modern and I would feel right at home in any of them!

Love Love Love


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